Saturday, June 26, 2010


You can find me on instead. There is no other way for me to follow Picture Atlantic.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Awkward Rhino

I received some lovely news today! And that too, coincidentally at 11:11. My first is coming down this week, and I get to see him again after nearly half a decade. And then he's leaving me again for the Marines, but at least I will finally have the chance to share with him everything I wanted him to know years ago.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jesus Walks

I bought an... itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-PINK-polka-dot-bikini-lalalalalalalala......
I'll have to wear shorts with it though, because the bottoms are truly teeny-weeny.
My optimism is becoming ridiculous, thus causing me to exercise for hours, but clearly so much positive energy fuels my easily bored self. I drink at least eight bottles of water a day, yet I still have to deal with a dryness in my throat. Running so much is worth it though, because in exactly one week, I will once again be breathing the same air as the best band to ever exist.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

(il)legal fireworks(?)

I found LOTR III at Goodwill today! Only $3, and PERFECT condition. Fucken AWESOME.

"Stupid, fat hobbits!"
You're a precious little thing, aren't ya?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Red, Blue, Black

I still can't find the one I read today.

It must've been customized, because it was deeply honest and miserable. The LOTR reference is THE BEST.