Saturday, June 26, 2010


You can find me on instead. There is no other way for me to follow Picture Atlantic.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Awkward Rhino

I received some lovely news today! And that too, coincidentally at 11:11. My first is coming down this week, and I get to see him again after nearly half a decade. And then he's leaving me again for the Marines, but at least I will finally have the chance to share with him everything I wanted him to know years ago.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jesus Walks

I bought an... itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-PINK-polka-dot-bikini-lalalalalalalala......
I'll have to wear shorts with it though, because the bottoms are truly teeny-weeny.
My optimism is becoming ridiculous, thus causing me to exercise for hours, but clearly so much positive energy fuels my easily bored self. I drink at least eight bottles of water a day, yet I still have to deal with a dryness in my throat. Running so much is worth it though, because in exactly one week, I will once again be breathing the same air as the best band to ever exist.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

(il)legal fireworks(?)

I found LOTR III at Goodwill today! Only $3, and PERFECT condition. Fucken AWESOME.

"Stupid, fat hobbits!"
You're a precious little thing, aren't ya?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Red, Blue, Black

I still can't find the one I read today.

It must've been customized, because it was deeply honest and miserable. The LOTR reference is THE BEST.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Giant Wasp

I will soon have to return this lovely laptop to the school and wait a quarter before they return it to me. Financial aid is awesome to me.

Yesterday and today were such eventful and incredible days. I had the best feeling as I rode my bike through the town this morning. Every day when I look in the mirror, I see my body slimming down, and that image is motivation for every time I exercise.

(Smeagol is too cool)

Hopefully, I'll find the time to watch the whole trilogy today...which actually sounds impossible seeing how I need to clean the house, complete several projects, and follow through on my promise to join the cousins at the movie theater.

Monday, May 17, 2010


On our anniversary, he made me something and I accidentally broke it. But of course, he was such a darling about it.

And then yesterday, he got me this precious ring.

Just to throw this one out, Picture Atlantic is only the best band to ever exist. Too bad blogspot is so bitchy about uploading videos, otherwise I'd post a bunch.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Andrew Jackson Jihad

"Growing up
fucken sucks
I wanna fall in love
but I don't love anybody
And soon there will be nodody
who will want to fall in love with me"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dried Blood

Why is this so good?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Today I realized

I am pretty awesome.

(I can't wait to never hear from you again).

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Picture Atlantic

The PK pick used by Grant Averill, the set list read from by Ryan Blair(it has his initials at the right hand corner) and the Picture Atlantic EP Kevin bought me. The pick Kevin told me to grab when Grant went off-stage, the set list Kevin went on-stage to get for me, and the CD he just wouldn't let me drive away without.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Zeitlos schoen

I wonder why grown college students can't wrap their heads around the fact that Jews don't believe that Jesus Christ is their lord. There's a reason they call themselves Jews and not Christians.

Tomorrow is going to be awesome.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Closet

is organized. I have 19 dresses and 3 shirts. It is currently raining.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where is Chuck Norris?

I think I can honestly say, I have never been this happy by far.

I found these when I typed "Obese Kirby" in the Google search bar. Gah =D

Sunday, April 4, 2010


My mom brought all this wonderful candy from Germany, along with two bretzeln(which is not the same thing as that American pretzel shit) and two Berliner.
My stomach hurts.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Housing Neolithic Farmers

I miss my mother.
School this week is going to be a disaster. I have two days off; I could have sworn Spring Break ended yesterday.
The class I was the most excited about is taught by an inchoate (though very nice) woman. Class discussions will most likely consist of one or two students throwing out silly answers in order to please the professor, while the rest of the class impatiently waits for that hour to come to an end.

By the way, I've been extremely happy lately, even though I have failed to show it. Another thing, Mari and Steph, I think you guys are awesome. Even though you fucken laugh at me for blogging, which makes you assholes, I still think you two are probably the best human beings to ever come my way. Sadly ;D

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Porcelain Verses

I drove by a playground. There was a mother and a father; they were sitting beside each other. Both were staring at the ground. Both were silent.
In front of them, their daughter on a swing. Alone. She too was silently staring at the green grass before her.

Such pretty weather. Such a sad sight.

By the way, at this point, I strongly dislike you too much. So can you please stop?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Obama for yo Momma!

Looking at the girls in my class today, I wondered if they look at each other with appreciation and fondness or pure malice. And now I wonder about the expression on my face when I look at my own friends. Fantastic.
In unrelated news, I believe I have spent another day in procrastination. But I can't say I wasted it.

"Well, if a leopard doesn't change it's spots
you can't change my perceptions just from dots to dots
I invented you

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Weekend plans with the Internet

Things I want to search on google this weekend:

  • Bosnia+ refugees
  • Albania+ Kosovo
  • Roses+ Virgin Mary+ shirt
  • Afghanistan+ Aryans
  • Palestine+ History+ Apocalypse
  • Jehovah+ Bible+ history+ Judaism
  • Catholic church+ Islam+ Prophet+ conversion
  • Buddhism+ flaws
  • Evolution+ evidence/ Evolution+ flaws/ Evolution+ Islam
  • Gandhi+ flaws+ racist
On top of that, i have two essays to write, two books to read from, two chapters to take notes on and two paintings to finally take care of. Coincidentally, ever since I was in the 2nd grade, 2 has been my favorite number.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dry Lips

Worlds whirled into our storm, taking me with it for the longest few seconds of my life. ---I was the only one who felt your lies.--- And then, stranded on this island, I sadly took note of how empty our treasure was. You only left me with this stranger.

Jiddu Krishnamurti is adorable. Or was, at least.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Come to the Dark Side, My Child

I have become almost everything that I once despised.
But I can honestly say, I've never been happier in my life.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


With great despondence, I admitted to myself today that sometimes ignorance is the best light to live in for some. And though it abrades me, it is not my place to opine.
Oh, how heavy we grow from experience...