Saturday, June 26, 2010


You can find me on instead. There is no other way for me to follow Picture Atlantic.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Awkward Rhino

I received some lovely news today! And that too, coincidentally at 11:11. My first is coming down this week, and I get to see him again after nearly half a decade. And then he's leaving me again for the Marines, but at least I will finally have the chance to share with him everything I wanted him to know years ago.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jesus Walks

I bought an... itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-PINK-polka-dot-bikini-lalalalalalalala......
I'll have to wear shorts with it though, because the bottoms are truly teeny-weeny.
My optimism is becoming ridiculous, thus causing me to exercise for hours, but clearly so much positive energy fuels my easily bored self. I drink at least eight bottles of water a day, yet I still have to deal with a dryness in my throat. Running so much is worth it though, because in exactly one week, I will once again be breathing the same air as the best band to ever exist.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

(il)legal fireworks(?)

I found LOTR III at Goodwill today! Only $3, and PERFECT condition. Fucken AWESOME.

"Stupid, fat hobbits!"
You're a precious little thing, aren't ya?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Red, Blue, Black

I still can't find the one I read today.

It must've been customized, because it was deeply honest and miserable. The LOTR reference is THE BEST.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Giant Wasp

I will soon have to return this lovely laptop to the school and wait a quarter before they return it to me. Financial aid is awesome to me.

Yesterday and today were such eventful and incredible days. I had the best feeling as I rode my bike through the town this morning. Every day when I look in the mirror, I see my body slimming down, and that image is motivation for every time I exercise.

(Smeagol is too cool)

Hopefully, I'll find the time to watch the whole trilogy today...which actually sounds impossible seeing how I need to clean the house, complete several projects, and follow through on my promise to join the cousins at the movie theater.

Monday, May 17, 2010


On our anniversary, he made me something and I accidentally broke it. But of course, he was such a darling about it.

And then yesterday, he got me this precious ring.

Just to throw this one out, Picture Atlantic is only the best band to ever exist. Too bad blogspot is so bitchy about uploading videos, otherwise I'd post a bunch.